
Cross-Currency Swap

Hedge against currency and interest rate exposure

Cross-Currency Swap

Hedge against currency and interest rate exposure

At a Glance
Hedge against both currency and interest rate exposures with our Cross-Currency Swap. This is an agreement between two parties to swap future interest payments, based on a principal amount in one currency for an equivalent amount in another currency. For example, you can choose to pay in a different currency on either a fixed or floating rate.

Enjoy competitive pricing due to our market leader position and extensive network


Stay informed of the latest market developments with insights from more than 100 research analysts in Asia


Leverage the knowledge of our dedicated SME advisory sales team to identify and hedge against interest rate volatility


Conduct sophisticated cross-border transactions smoothly and efficiently with strategic advice from our regional advisory sales network

How it Works

How to Apply

Please call us at +886 2 6606 0302 and we will arrange for a treasury specialist to speak with you.

How can an interest rate ‘swing’ affect my company?

Clients who financed their operations with a floating-rate loan will see an increase in their expenses should floating rates rise. For example, USD LIBOR actually rose to a high of 5.725% in 2007.

How do you update SME customers on current interest rates and market trends?

Our Market Trend Outlook provides you with the latest market trends, updates and interest rates.

How competitive is the pricing of your interest rate products compared with other banks?

Pricing depends on tenure, loan amount and market conditions. However, being one of the leading banks in Asia, we are perfectly placed to help deliver the best possible pricing available to you.